Well folks, summer time is upon us and so are changes here at Casa de McGaughey. Lisa is re-starting school to earn her masters degree, Eric is graduating high school and soon off to college. My TV shows are on break, prom season at work is done, and the NHL season is winding down, which means my free time as tripled. This will allow me more time to do the things I like doing, such as reading, exercise, yard work, and spending more time with family. Also during the summer time I go through some seasons of a favorite TV show of mine. Since Man of Steel will be released in theaters a few weeks from now I figured I'd start Smallville again. I spent the summer of 2007 showing Lisa all 5 seasons of Smallville and pretty much hanging out, and I've credited the show with getting me through my college growing pains. Just see my previous blog site for my comparisons to Clark Kent. I've also been going through the Superman movies every Sunday, and had to suffer though Superman III, which I still don't see a reason to ever watch again. More on that in a later post, hopefully. This all seems a little fitting, seeing how I've dubbed this the Summer of Superman. I'm even trying to turn one of my co-workers, a Batman fan, into a Superman convert by reading the entire New Krypton storyline.
Of course this summer I'm looking forward to spending more time with Generation NeXt as I call them; Logan, Nora, and Amelia. Lisa, Melanie, and I have already started taking the kids to pool every Tuesday afternoon and Logan has made great strides in his pool skills. Last month he could barely get him in the water and now he's blowing bubble in the pool and walking out almost to the point where he can longer touch the bottom. This part scares me a little because if he takes one step too many he'll panic, so I need to find a way to teach him some basic swim skills, even though he still can't actually talk. I love spending time with him in the pool and getting to share my love of the water. I would love to take the kids to the Gulf at some point this summer as well.
This last Sunday I had Nora for the first time all by myself. She still has a little trouble with the bottle after being breast fed on the weekdays by Lisa, but I think she'll get better as she gets older. I checked my phone, and for the 7 hours I was alone with Nora, Lisa called me 6 times. Momma has a little trouble letting go, haha. I took Nora for a little trip to the mall just to see how we'd do out together and she did great, but as soon as Lisa found out we left the house she called me freaking out. I found it rather funny. I found the best way to keep Nora calm in the car is to sing along with the radio, but I do that anyway when I'm in the car.
As far as summer movies I've got about 5 on my list I actually want to see. With the price of movies and the small window of free time we get with Nora we don't see a lot of movies in theaters. So far I saw Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: Into Darkness. I wasn't overly impressed with Iron Man 3, but I'll probably still ask for the blu-ray for Christmas, but Star Trek: Into Darkness I liked, even though if it is just a modern version of Wrath of Khan and somewhat un-original like the previous film. I kind of want to see it again, but I'll settle for getting the novel adaptation from the library. But of course the #1 film I'm looking forward to is Man of Steel in a few weeks. I told Lisa I don't want anything for Father's Day; no present or card. I just want to go out to lunch and see MoS in IMAX 3-D. Being a big Superman fan I have some reservations about the film, but the previews have some awesome action sequences.
Of course the summer free time allows me more time to do another one of my passions, which is this; writing. These last few months have been so hectic. Getting adjusted to Nora and being my busy season at work I felt like I had no free time, but now I'm feeling more available and hoping to get back into my blogging, and maybe work on some stories I started quite a while ago.
So in closing I feel like this summer will hold some nice days, and may even finish with a trip up north to introduce the families to Nora in-person. I'm also turning 30 this July. I'm three decades old........balls.
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