The closer it gets to May 25th the more excited I get. Yes, it's the 45th anniversary of Star Wars, and yes, I'll be at Star Wars Celebration after spending a few days at Disneyland. But of course, the Obi-Wan series will be premiering on Disney+. As I've said, Obi-Wan Kenobi is my second favorite Star Wars character next to Luke Skywalker, and I'm looking forward to some possible vindication for both Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen after years of prequel bashing. When news came that Hayden would be in the series, and as Darth Vader, some fans cried foul. After their epic duel on Mustafar, Obi-Wan and Vader never saw each other till their fateful meeting on the Death Star 19 years later. Or at least that is what we thought.
"The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but a learner, now I am the master." -Darth Vader
These are the words Darth Vader said to gives us an indication how long it's been since the once-brothers saw each other. But let's be honest. The idea of them not meeting for 19 years is Head Canon. I still remember the 2008 The Clone Wars panel at the Chicago Comic Con. Someone came up to the microphone and said, "Anakin never had a padawan," and while I don't remember what member of Lucasfilm was fielding the questions at that panel, I do remember his response, "You don't know that." Because he was right, we didn't know that. In between Star Wars films laps years and years of untold stories. So, who's to say Darth Vader and Obi-Wan never saw each other in between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.
"Obi-Wan once thought as you did." -Darth Vader
In almost two decades Obi-Wan could have tried at least once to bring back his best friend from the dark path he had gone down. Especially when the fate of the galaxy depended on it. Lucasfilm President, Kathleen Kennedy, has said these two will meet again, and another lightsaber battle will ensue. The facts are that Darth Vader just never knew where Obi-Wan hung his robe in those 19 years. If Obi-Wan goes off planet in the series, escapes, then just returns to Tatooine and not seen by Vader till nine years later, then it's plausible the two could meet without breaking Canon. And if it bends Canon a little for the sake of a great story; I'm ok with that. It wouldn't be the first time Lucasfilm, or George Lucas himself, did just that.
When the Obi-Wan series was announced another rival of old Ben's was brought up, Darth Maul. Those who had seen the Star Wars animated series were quick to refute that Maul could not make an appearance because their meeting one night in the desert of Tatooine was the first time they saw each other since Maul murdered the Duchess of Mandalore (pausing to cry a little). Now someone can correct me if they want, because I'm just going off my memory here, but don't Obi-Wan and Maul fall into the same Canon facts as Obi-Wan and Darth Vader? Maul didn't know Obi-Wan was hiding on Tatooine and they hadn't seen each other in years. But maybe just nine years?
To be honest, I'm going down this rabbit hole to remind everyone that as fans, we only assume what we know. Head Canon is nice, but when actual Canon is created, we have to let go of what we want to have happened for what actually did happen.
"Learned to let go of everything you fear to lose."-Yoda
Following me down into this Dagobah cave, will you? This Obi-Wan series takes place 10 years after Revenge of the Sith. That is the same time frame that Solo: A Star Wars Story takes place. In the galaxy at this time the Empire reigns supreme but Maul is also leader of the criminal organization known as Crimson Dawn. What drags Obi-Wan off-world? It could be a number of things. Maybe he has decided to just try one more time to talk to Vader. Maybe an old friend is in trouble (crossing my fingers for a Dexter Jettster appearance). Maybe Obi-Wan leaving is a way of him trying to keep Luke safe and hidden. With the thuggish Empire tightening its grip on the galaxy it can be more difficult for criminal syndicates to conduct business, unless you do it where the Empire doesn't go, like maybe Tatooine? Maybe Crimson Dawn puts Luke in peril and Obi-Wan has to follow the source to stop them, and that leads him to another meeting with Maul?
Again, I want to reemphasize I don't expect Maul to be in the Obi-Wan series. This is just me explaining how he could be. We're going to get Darth Vader and the Inquistors in this, and I am hoping for Clone Wars flashbacks of Anakin and Obi-Wan. Adding another layer of Maul could crowd the villains and characters in this six-episode miniseries. But if this series were a non-miniseries it could be an idea for future seasons, or even a tale for a novel or comic book. But I see enough Star Wars fans barking at each other thinking they know better, when really, we all know bantha doo doo.
Let's continue down the cave, shall we? A meeting of Maul and Obi-Wan would add more tension and possibly give us an appearance by one former lover of Han Solo, Qi'ra. Maul went from the leader of Crimson Dawn at the end of Solo to stranded in the tombs of Malachor in Rebels. Some fans speculate Qi'ra may have played a part in Maul being marooned on the deserted planet. Sounds cool, but, what if Obi-Wan helped her? What if, once again, Obi-Wan cut down Maul in his prime? That would only fuel his hatred for Kenobi even more.
I think Star Wars fans can debate who is Obi-Wan's true rival, Darth Vader or Darth Maul? Both have handed General Kenobi much heartache in his life, which is why I think they both would be fitting foes for him to see in his transitional period. I think this Disney+ series is going to see Obi-Wan dealing with the past, learning to let go of his grief, and focus on the future.
"Don't center your anxiety, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs. Be mindful of the living force." -Qui-Gon Jinn
I'm excited to see what Deborah Chow, Ewan McGregor, and everyone else working on the project gives us. But my wallet is not looking forward to all the Obi-Wan merchandise I will want to buy in the coming months. Whatever we get, it will be Canon, but we will still have years of untold Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, and Star Wars story holes to fill in. And we as fans will continue to speculate what kind of adventures encompass those untold tales, but when the day comes that Lucasfilm contradicts my Head Canon I will do as Obi-Wan Kenobi instructed 45 years ago.
"Let go, Luke." -Obi-Wan Kenobi