Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What J.D. and Turk Have Taught Me About Fatherhood

As I sit here, mere hours away from witnessing the birth of my first child a lot of emotions are rumbling in my tummy.  Of course I am super excited to meet this little girl who has made my wife very moody and achy this last month.  I am a bit nervous about doing the right thing during and after labor.  What if I don't rub Lisa's back enough or what if I drop the kid as they had her to me?  Chances are I may vomit from all the smells I'll be experiencing.  Then of course there is several kinds of dread.  Dread that this child will out live me, which means I already feel like I dying, and I'm also dreading the day she starts growing breasts and the boys start to notice her growing breasts.  But of course I'm happy to see the face of my wife as she is excited to finally become a mom.  Now these are a lot of things swirling around inside of me. Luckily I can always turn to good friends for life lessons; my TV.  A few weeks ago I started re-watching season 6 of Scrubs, and then continued through season 7. These seasons are where J.D. and Turk become fathers.  I payed attention as much as I could I learned a few things along the way.

J.D. and Turk are both good guys who only want to do the right thing, but they seem to screw up and act a little juvenile.  When his girlfriend was giving birth J.D. told her that he didn't love her.  This of course got him kicked out of the room and a slew of names called at him.  
Turk tried to be helpful and set-up a webcast so that his wife's sister could witness the birth of their child via internet.  This ended with Turk doing something wrong and the entire hospital seeing Carla's pekachu.  This did not sit well either.

After J.D. got kicked out of the delivery room he sat around for a while until he realized this was his child being born and that even though Kim hated him she needed him to get through this.  Meanwhile, Turk continued to try and be helpful and it ended with him getting his hand stuck in an ice dispenser.  But when Carla was about to have a c-section Turk fought is way over to her, and as he stood next to her his cold hand cooled her hot head; literally.

When J.D. and Turk became parents they didn't have as much time to sit around and think of ways to scare each other or paint Turk's bald head orange and pretend he was a dribbling basketball. They both gave up a lot of their free time to be dads but they didn't give up who they were.  Turk spent his time photo shopping a picture of his baby girl to make it seem like she could dunk a basketball.  J.D. used his baby to help pick-up women and made an excellent ventriloquist dummy.  
Finally, when Turk had to do surgery on a patient he changed his mind when he found out that patient had a daughter and Dr. Cox reminded him that becoming a parent changes who you are and every decision you make.  Also, he saw The Wiggles in concert, twice, and it was awesome.

I'm looking forward to having as much fun with my own child as I do with my nephew.  They say time goes by quick so that means I'll just have to soak in every day of it and hope it goes by slow.  We've been prepping for 9 months and I think my nerves are just nerves of the unknown.  I'm excited to start this next phase in my life, but I'm already scheming of ways I can still do things I love to do.  I can read my comic books TO her.  I can go for jogs WITH her in her stroller.  I can even just strap her to my chest as I READ some magazines at Barnes & Nobles.  I'm not going to give up being a husband and friend, but this'll just add another job to my resume.  Let's Do This!

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