Sunday, April 27, 2014

My Trilogy of Star Wars EU Trilogies

It's only one week until May the 4th, otherwise known as National Star Wars Day.  I, along with most Star Wars enthusiasts, are hoping that some news will come out regarding the casting of Episode VII.  For many months it seems like every actor and their sister have been rumored to be up for a part in the next Star Wars film.  However, Disney and Lucasfilm have yet to confirm even that the "Big 3"(Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher) are even locked down to be in Episode VII.  Last week Lucasfilm President, Kathleen Kennedy, spoke out in regards to the future of Star Wars and the beloved EU(Expanded Universe) that has been thriving for over twenty years; from books to video games.  Kennedy hinted that some ideas of the EU may be cherry picked to be put in the new Star Wars canon.  
This leaves us fan boys with more rumors and hysteria as we ponder, and obsess, as to what of our favorite EU ideas could be put in Episodes VII-IX, Star Wars: Rebels, or even the Star Wars spin-off films.  Growing up I've tried to absorb as much of the EU as I could.  Being a man who enjoys comic books I've definitely read a lot of that, several novels, and even played a few video games based "In A Galaxy Far, Far Away."  If I could whisper into some one's ear these would be the Star Wars tales I would recommend bringing to the big screen.

Set 5 years after Return of the Jedi this was the first book to really launch the Expanded Universe.  It had been eight years since the last Star Wars film was released so loyal fans were rabid to jump on anything new from the land of Jedi and Wookies.  Heir to the Empire was published in 1991 with Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command being released the following years.  This trilogy blew the door wide-open for the Expanded Universe and it's all thanks to it's writer; Timothy Zahn.
In this trilogy we see Luke training Leia in the ways of The Force and trying to figure out how to jump-start the new Jedi Order.  Meanwhile, in a dark corner of the galaxy, Grand Admiral Thrawn has taken an Imperial Fleet to seek out a Jedi named Joruus C'Boath, who believes can help him reclaim the galaxy for the Empire. C'Boath only agrees to help Thrawn after he learns that Leia is pregnant with potential Jedi twins.  C'Boath seeks out Luke, and after spending some time with C'Boath, Luke realizes the guy it bat sh*t crazy!  But that doesn't stop C'Boath and Thrawn from trying to take down Luke and the New Republic.  
This trilogy also introduced some other classic characters like Talon Karrde and Mara Jade, who has a deep hatred for Luke.  We learn that Mara was the Emperor's hand, and followed Luke when we was in Jabba's Palace in Episode VI.  The end of this series comes down to a climatic lightsaber that Luke has....with himself!  C'Boath cloned Luke using the hand he lost at Bespin!  Young Skywalker must defeat himself, C'Boath, and try not let Mara kill him either.  
This was a great beginning to the EU with great moments.  One of my favorites is when the team crashes the Millennium Falcon.  Lando criticizes Han's landing and he replies, "At least the sensor dish is still on" referring to Lando's time inside the Death Star in Episode VI.  Thrawn and Mara Jade have become classic characters in the Star Wars EU and mythology, and years later, Luke marries Mara and they have a child; Ben.  I love the EU!

From 1977-1986 Marvel comics had an on-going Star Wars series that ended with issue #107.  The next Star Wars comic book wasn't published until 1991 by Dark Horse comics titled Dark Empire.  Just has Heir to the Empire had a hand in helping to start the ever expanding Expanded Universe, Dark Empire introduced many comic readers to not only Dark Horse comics, but a darker Star Wars tale.  This story also spun right out of the Thrawn trilogy by recognizing Han and Leia's twins, Jacen and Jaina.
As the story begins Han, Leia, and Chewie are off to save Luke and Lando from a horrific battle.  Luke has been drawn to the battle by The Force and refuses to leave until he finds the power that calls to him.  It turns out to be The Emperor!  Luke then turns to the Dark Side of The Force to try and understand why it engulfed his father, Anakin.  It's up to Leia to save her brother from the Emperor and himself.
After the popularity of Dark Empire is spawned a sequel, Dark Empire II.  The Emperor comes back and seeks out Luke, Leia, and her children.  Meanwhile, Luke is searching for Jedi to help him start the new Order.  It all comes to a head in the final installment, Empire's End, as the Emperor is dying and wishes to transfer his essence into a newborns body: Anakin Solo!
As Star Wars stories go this one was really dark, which some fans may like given their disappointment with Episode I.  Dark Horse has published Star Wars comics for over twenty years now, but soon will be letting go of the property since Disney not only own Lucasfilm now, but also Marvel comics.  Marvel will start publishing Star Wars comics again, and so "the circle is complete." 

Set 126 years after Return of the Jedi, we find the descendant of Luke Skywalker, Cade.  After the New Jedi Order has fallen apart Cade became a bounty hunter.  He uses his Jedi tricks to help him in his profession, and by night dines on death sticks.  When the rest of the galaxy learns that a Skywalker is alive everyone from the Jedi to the new Sith Order rush to find Cade.  But all Cade wants is to be left alone.  This 50 issue series saw the appearance of some of our favorite characters; from R2-D2 to a ghostly Luke Skywalker who tries to guide Cade towards his destiny.  With every move Cade seems to make the wrong decision and it could not be more fun to read!  Cade is a great mix of Han and Luke and the kind of flawed and complex hero today's readers like seeing.  
I've figured out how to break this 50+ part series into three nice pieces.  It has the makings of a great modern Star Wars trilogy.  You wouldn't have to worry about aging actors because you'd have a fresh new cast in a world we're all familiar with.  I recommend this series to anyone who likes Star Wars, but is interested in seeing something totally different in the Star Wars EU.

BONUS:  What I Think Episode VII-IX Should Be:  LEGACY OF THE FORCE
This nine-book series sees Luke, Han, and Leia as the elders while their children, Jacen, Jaina, and Ben take center-stage.  After losing his younger brother, Anakin, Jacen is lured to the Dark Side of The Force.  He becomes Darth Caedus and tries to bring down the Jedi Order and the New Republic.  He even kills his own aunt, Mara, and leaves everyone wondering who did it.  This is an epic series that ended with Jacen facing off against is twin sister, Jaina, in a fight to the death for the fate of the galaxy!
This story takes place within the 30-year time frame Episode VII is set to be told in, and it's got enough edge to keep modern audiences interested.  Plus, it has the "Big 3" in the story, but the next generation at the forefront.  
While I know the next era of Star Wars films won't be any of these stories I do hope Disney and Lucasfilm take notice of these EU stories that people have enjoyed when their wasn't any hope of another Star Wars movie ever being made.  All we ask is a few easter eggs to make us geeks smile as our excitement for more Star Wars punches into hyperspace.

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