Sunday, June 29, 2014

Casting Call: The Awesomes

Last night I finished re-watching the first season of the Hulu show, The Awesomes.  In an age where superhero films and entertainment are more popular than ever I find this show refreshing, smart, and hilarious.  It was conceived by Saturday Night Live alumni Seth Meyers, who voices Prock, along with some other SNL, and notable comedians, lending their voices to the show.   Season two of this series starts in August and I'm excited to see where the characters go after the season one finale.  The other night I was lying in bed and I came up with a few casting choices if The Awesomes ever made it to a big screen live adaptation.  So naturally, I had to think about who I would cast in all the roles instead of actually sleeping.

Micheal Cera as Prock
Prock is the leader of the new Awesomes.  His father, Mr. Awesome, has departed Earth and left Prock in charge of the team.  Because of this, everyone quits, so Prock has to fill his roster with a bunch of reject superheroes.  Prock is a genius, but everyone thinks he has no super powers so no one takes him seriously.  However, his best friend is the only one who knows that Prock has the ability to freeze time for ten seconds increments.
If you need a whiny, self-obsessed, uptight, nerd then look no further than Michael Cera.  He's been great in films like Superbad and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.  I think he'd be a perfect match for Prock. 

Chris Pratt as Muscle Man
Pratt has proven he can play the dimwitted best friend of Prock with his role as Andy in the television show Parks and Recreations.  He also beefed up to play Star-Lord in this summer's Guardians of the Galaxy.  Put these two combinations together and we've got our Muscle Man!

Keira Knightley as Concierge
Originally thought of to be more of a babysitter for the Awesomes, Concierge has become the team's know-it-all to any question they may have about super villains and their pasts.  She's super organized and super serious.  Which is good considering she works with guys like Muscle Man and Frantic.  I also think her and Prock have some kind of un-spoken connection, or it that just me?
Knightly wowed us all with her role in the Pirates of the Caribbean films and then went on to do roles in Domino and Anna Karinina.  She's got the build of Concierge, and I think her British accent will add a little more flavor to the character.  I'd even say she can skip the red hair.  I really don't mind.

Will Poulter as Frantic
In We're the Millers, Poulter played a doe-eyed kid who believed in everyone, and his comical performance was one of the best things about an otherwise forgettable film.  He'd be great as Frantic, the super-speed hick who joins the Awesomes in search of heroism and fame.

Jonathan Ke Quan as Sumo
Yes, I know Ke Quan is like 40 now, but I couldn't think of any other Asian actors under the age of 13 currently working in Hollywood; can you?  But think of how great the actor from The Goonies and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom would be as the boy who knows nothing about the world and turns into a giant sumo wrestler when he's angry.  I'd love you see that!

Emma Stone as Gadget Gal
This was the first casting choice that started all the rest in my head.  I can think of no other actress out there who has the quick tongue and tough skin to pull off this swinging character.  Gadget Gal was enjoying retirement when an aging ray turned back her clock about 50 years.  Now she's back in her prime and fighting bad guys with the Awesomes while still giving them her 1940's attitude.
Stone has charmed us in films like The Help and Crazy, Stupid, Love.  But it's her break-out role in Easy A that made me love this actress and all her talents.  Watch the film and tell me she isn't the perfect Gadget Gal.  I dare ya!

Minka Kelly as Hotwire
Hotwire is the daughter of Prock's father's mortal enemy.  She is trying to be a good guy and fight with the Awesomes but her past soon catches up with her.  Which is all a bummer because she's sweet and has left Prock smitten.
With her roles on television shows like Almost Human and Friday Night Lights, Kelly proves she is the sweet girl-next-door with a smokin body!  If she were to put on the Hotwire outfit I dare any guy not to be smitten.

Lamorne Morris as Impresario
This character is hilarious because of his flaws.  He is a huge mama's boy who just so happens to make anything he wants using his mind; think Green Lantern minus the ring.  So all of his constructs are his mother as a car, a hammer, a missile, etc.  It's hilarious and disturbing at the same time.
On New Girl Morris plays the lovable, yet slightly troubled, Winston.  You like the guy, but you're not sure if you'd really want to be his friend because he's got issues.  That's Impresario.

Ben Stiller as Dr. Malocchio
One of the funniest things about The Awesomes is the villain. Dr. Malocchio can hypnotise anyone except Mr. Awesome and his son.  He also has a lot of quirks that make his scenes interesting because you never know what minor detail he'll yell at his henchmen for.
I'm really not a Ben Stiller fan.  I feel like he plays the same character a lot, but when he steps outside of that character in movies like Dodgeball and Zoolander he is quite hilarious.  I think Malocchio would be a nice fit for Stiller to help bring out more of his comedic talent I know he has inside of him.  I just don't want another Night at the Museum sequel.  Dear Lord, make those stop!

Channing Tatum as Perfect Man
Hmmm.  An actor who looks like a guy that is a pretty boy, way into himself, but the actor himself is decent at comedy to pull it off?  Well I'm going with the 22 Jump Street star, Channing Tatum.  Anybody else got a suggestion? 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Casting Call: Aquaman

Last week I read an article online where actor Leonardo DiCaprio gave $10 million for ocean conservation.  In that same week the Internet was buzzing how Jason Momoa was officially cast as Aquaman in the DC cinematic universe; although still not confirmed by Momoa, Warner Bros, or director Zach Snyder.  I think Momoa has the attitude to play the King of the Seven Seas, but he doesn't quite have the look, and the possible depth.  But you know who does; Leonardo DiCaprio.
Unfortunately any Aquaman movie will be compared to the parody film starring Vincent Chase from HBO's Entourage.  But I think if Leo brought the commitment and performance he has when working with Martin Scorsese I think he could rock this franchise. Especially with a great supporting cast.  

Leonardo DiCaprio as Arthur Curry/Orin/Aquaman
DiCaprio has been proving himself as a great actor as far back as What's Eating Gilbert Grape.  He also has given some great performances in films like The Aviator, The Departed, and the Wolf of Wall Street.  He has the look and the scowl that goes with the character.  I feel like DiCaprio could really make this film great and help make the public think of Aquaman as the bad ass ocean hero he is instead of the butt of every DC punchline.

Karen Gillan as Mera
If you're going to have Leonardo DiCaprio play Aquaman then you have to have a strong female lead to play opposite him.  Mera becomes the queen of Atlantis and possesses aquakinesis that helps her control water and bend it to her will.  She also is just as tough as Aquaman, and was originally sent to kill him, before she fell in love with him.   
This was probably the hardest part to cast.  I considered former co-stars of Leo's like Vera Farmiga and Kate Winslet, but I wanted an actress who is tall-ish so she'd command a presence. But she also has to have the good range of emotion Mera would have to bring; from kick-ass to compassionate.  And I wanted a redhead.  Gillian is most famous for her role as Amy Pond in Doctor Who. This summer we'll see her play the deadly Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy.  This role proves to me that Gillan has the physicality and commitment to play Mera.  Especially after she shaved her head just to be in GotG.

Idris Elba as David/Black Manta
As Aquaman's most famous villain you need an actor with a high level of skill.  Elba has been phenomenal in films like Thor, Pacific Rim, and the television show Luthor.  He has a distinct quality I think would really bring this character to life.
Black Manta and Aquaman have been bitter rivals ever since Black Manta killed Aquaman's father, though Manta also blames Aquaman for his own father's death.  That kind of hatred can run deep, and come across great with the right pair; such as DiCaprio and Elba.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Orm/Ocean Master
No rivalry is more heated than that of two brothers fighting over the throne of a kingdom.  Orm is the younger brother of Aquaman who rules when the king passes, that is until Arthur returns to Atlantis and Orm steps down to let Arthur rule.  However, when Orm sees that his brother shows too much compassion for the surface world he conspires against him.
Meyers has had some great roles in television shows like The Tudors and Dracula.  He has also had quite the film career in movies like Mission Impossible: III and Match Point.  He walks the line of good guy/criminally insane.  I think Meyers would play well off of Dicaprio.  I say it would even rival the Hemsworth/Hiddleston chemistry.

Corbin Bleu as Jackson Hyde/Kaldur'ahm/Aqualad
This character was originally created for the short-lived television series Young Justice, but was so unique Geoff Johns brought him to DC Comics in Brightest Day.  Jackson has spend his whole life on the surface world never knowing his true origins. Black Manta comes looking for him one day revealing he is from the underwater world Xebel, he can manipulate water like Mera, and that Manta is his real father!  Kaldur has even more of a methodical origin, but this is just to tip of the iceberg.  While I respect and like the first Aqualad, Garth, I think Kaldur would be a little more interesting for the big screen.
When I did my Young Justice casting call I said Bleau should play Aqualad and I'm sticking by it.  Most famous for his role in Disney's High School Musical franchise, Bleu has went on to do many guest spots and even had a recurring role on One Life To Live.  This would be the role Bleu has been waiting for.  It's something he can really sink his teeth into and show the range I believe he has.

Monday, June 23, 2014

DC's Potential Cinematic Disaster

A few weeks ago a rumor was leaked online as to the release dates of Warner Bros/DC Comics cinematic universe.  This is just speculation for now, though this was suppose be announced at next month's San Diego Comic Con.  In any event, this rumor has sent geeks everywhere in an uproar.  Every fan boy has their opinion about this news, and this fan boy is no different.
Marvel Studios has been kicking DC's ass in the movie making competition with each film getting better and better.  Meanwhile, DC has only mustered up Man of Steel after Green Lantern wasn't good enough to kick-start to their DC cinematic universe.  If this announcement is real then Warner Bros wants to pump out seven films in almost three years.  Marvel Studios has been putting out two films a year, adding to the Spider-Man and X-Men films Fox and Sony are putting out sporadically.  This whole schedule seems like Warner Bros is trying to overcompensate for them running behind in the race.  But not only is this rushed, but also, bad ideas!  Here's why:

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice (May 2016)
Anyone who knows me knows I have serious issues with Man of Steel.  However, I do believe it does have some redeeming qualities that could carry over well to a sequel.  But of course we will never know, at least not for a while, because this is not the MoS sequel we thought we were getting.
When Ben Affleck was added as Batman we thought he would just make a decent cameo, but felt the focus was still going to be on the Last Son of Krypton.  Then Gal Gabot was cast as Wonder Woman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and Jason Momoa as Aquaman; allegedly.  This whole film started to sound like just a set-up for a Justice League movie.  Then the title came out.  Dawn of Justice confirms it is just a set-up for a Justice League movie and that it's officially not a MoS sequel.
This disturbs me.  Warner Bros couldn't go two films without their cash-cowing Dark Knight, and to me that says that they have no faith in any other DC property; no even Superman.  But the problem isn't the characters, it's who's behind the properties.  But I'll get to that.

Shazam (July 2016)
Out of all the rumored upcoming DC movies this is the one I have the most faith in.  Shazam is better known as Captain Marvel.  Little Billy Batson gains the powers of a god by saying "shazam" and becoming a superhero who rivals even Superman.  I think this film will work because it's a little boy who becomes a superhero.  What kid won't want to see this film?  However, Shazam can not be another sad and destructive Man of Steel.  For this film to work it has to be more Hook and less Passion of the Christ.  This is a story of a kid and it needs to target kids for it to work.  Any Disney executive knows if you make a kid movie then you get twice the ticket money because the parent has to take the kids to see the movie!
The ol' Zach Snyder style won't get it done on this one.  But with Warner's faith in the Goyer/Snyder duo I'm a little worried.  However, I'll hold off judgement until I see who they'll get to direct.  I'd just better not see Quentin Tarantino's name on the short list.

The Sandman (Christmas 2016)
The only thing known about this film so far is that Joseph-Gordon Levitt is set to star.  I'm not too familiar with this DC/Veritgo property except that I know it's the farthest thing from a Justice League tie-in.  It has to do with dreams, reality, and a lot of other trippy things that will be a nice break from the superheroes Warner Bros will be ramming down our throats for the next few years.

Justice League (May 2017)
It took Marvel Studios five films and four years to get to The Avengers.  Warner Bros is looking to get to Justice League with two films in four years.  This is a HUGE mistake!  No disrespect to Black Widow and Hawkeye but the Justice League has much better characters than just Batman and Superman.  You can't introduced Green Lantern, Flash, and Aquaman in a team film.  They all have complex and deep origin stories that deserve their own film first.  Granted, Hal Jordan has had his own film, but we all know Ryan Reynolds has about as much to do with Justice League as Eric Bana has to do with The Avengers.  Without knowing their origins this film will fall apart; especially since we know the film will just be about Batman and Superman. Well, just about Batman anyway.

Wonder Woman (July 2017)
I love Gal Gadot.  I loved her when she starred in....ummm.  Then she was great when she won an award for....ummmm.  Well, she had more than ten lines in....ummm.  The point I'm trying to make is that Gadot hasn't proven herself as an actress in ANYTHING.  The only thing I've seen her in is the Fast and Furious films and even then I was unimpressed.  Wonder Woman is one of the most iconic female characters in fiction history.  Her portrayal on screen has to be iconic.
Gal Gadot has not shown me, and many others, that she is worthy of carrying the Wonder Woman mantle.  We have yet to see her play Diana in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.  Given Warner Bros rumored schedule a Wonder Woman movie will be already in the production when audiences first see Gadot appear in Dawn of Justice.  If she is bad then the Wonder Woman movie could be put on ice and not see the light of day for many, many years.  Plus I feel that it could possibly ruin the entire DC cinematic universe.
Now don't get me wrong.  I really want Gadot to be good.  I am rooting for her to be good.  But I have yet to see anything that would show me she'll be good.  I hate to say this, but the future of movies based on DC Comics(except Batman) may hang in the balance with Gadot and Wonder Woman.

 Flash and Green Lantern team-up (Christmas 2017)
As much as I've griped about the other possible film this one has me the most worried.  Now, these two characters do go together.  They even had their own comic book; The Brave and the Bold. Hal Jordan and Barry Allen are good friends, so it would make sense that they'd have their own buddy-cop movie.  But we don't know that we're getting Hal Jordan and Barry Allen.  Warner Bros is trying to wipe away any stink of Green Lantern, which may include not having Hal Jordan as GL, but maybe the popular John Stewart instead.  Meanwhile, Barry Allen is already going to be the Flash in an upcoming television show on The CW.  Do you think they're really going to have one Barry on TV and one on the big screen?  They might as well go with Wally West as the Flash.
If course in changing who will be the new GL and Scarlet Speedster you've changed the relationship.  John and Wally have nothing to do with each other except that they're both Justice League members. No matter what characters they choose these two heroes are way to important to not get their own film; regardless of who is in the costume.   

Man of Steel 2 (May 2018)
So after all the other films, and five years after the original MoS came out, they're finally going to get to a sequel?  I can't decide if I'm disappointed or kind of OK with that.  Man of Steel was a let-down for me so I'm in no rush to see a sequel.  However I'm also of the mind set that Superman should have gotten his due sequel before Justice League.  Iron Man, the character who started the Marvel cinematic universe, got two films in before The Avengers.  Why can't Superman?  I actually like Henry Cavill and am interested in seeing more of his performance as Clark Kent.
With Zach Snyder directing Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice AND Justice League I wonder if he'll come back to do the Man of Steel sequel?  I hope not. Snyder's vision was main part of what was wrong with Man of Steel in my opinion and after several recent comments writer David Goyer made about a certain Martian I'm not sure I want him writing for the Man of Tomorrow either; or any DC property.  As a long-time Superman reader I was worried from Snyder right out of the gate, and i feel like I was right.  Superman is about hope, and Man of Steel had none.  And as of right now I don't see any for this DC cinematic universe.
But don't get the wrong idea.  They'll still get my $10 with every film and a little voice inside me saying, "please be good, please be good, please be good."  I'm just surprised that a Batman film isn't in this slate.  But I'm sure we'll find out next month in San Diego when Warner Bros confirms or denies this potential cinematic disaster.