Monday, December 29, 2014

My Top 12 Movies To See In 2015

The holidays can be a busy time.  With all the extra hours of work, holiday parties, and family time, a fella may not have time for things like routine exercise, eating three healthy meals a day, or writing his bi-weekly blog.  But now that the shroud of Christmas has past there is just New Years Eve standing between all of us and the slew of movies that await us in the new year.
While some sites are trying to think of fifteen movies they are excited to see in 2015 I decided not to play that game.  Twelve is my lucky number, so I'm sticking with twelve. Sure that cuts off films like Marvel's Ant-Man and the final Hunger Games movie; both in my Top 15,  But if nothing else, I'm a creature of habit.  

I just recently read the graphic novel this film is based on and quite enjoyed it.  Though, from the look of the trailer, the film may play out a little different.  Colin Firth recruits a young hoodlum to join the most prestigious group in Britain and mold him into a spy in order to stop Samuel L. Jackson from doing something I'm sure a Bond villain would have thought of.

11) THE AGE OF ADALINE (April 24)
Blake Lively stars in a film about a woman who has an accident in the early 20th century and can no longer age.  She tries to spend immortality not getting close to anyone but of course she eventually finds someone she could love forever.  She'll just have to learn to change his diapers in forty years.
This film intrigues me because usually you have to kill people in order to live forever.  Just see the Highlander films or any vampire flick.  She is immortal, but she doesn't have to kill to stay young?  Also, I think Blake Lively has great potential as an actress. Could this be her Benjamin Button? 

10) CHAPPIE (March 6)
From the director who brought us District 9 comes the tale of a robot that learns to be more human and think for itself.  But unlike anything other film, Chappie is hunted down for what he is.  Ok, you're right, it does sound like Short Circuit.  Oh well.
While I never got around to seeing Elysium, District 9 was such a delightful surprise for me I'm willing to give Neil Blomkamp the benefit of the doubt.  Plus, the film stars Hugh Jackman and Sigourney Weaver.  I'm hooked just with those two names.

9) FANTASTIC FOUR  (August 7)
Nothing I've heard about this movie has made me feel good about it except the cast.  I love Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan.  I also give credit to Kate Mara and Jamie Bell as well in their acting abilities.  Beyond that, the changes they are making from the source material is why this film is not higher on my list.
I know everyone hates on the 2005 film, but as a guy who knows more than the average moviegoer about the FF I was entertained by it.  This film appears to be going with the Ultimate Fantastic Four angle.  Instead of cosmic rays, the four friends get their powers by entering something called the N-Zone, or Negative Zone, as most fan boys know it by.  I liked Chronicle, so here's hoping Josh Trank doesn't let too many chefs in the kitchen if you catch my drift. 

8) VACATION (Oct. 9)
The next National Lampoons film so far is just titled "Vacation" and will be directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan M. Goldstein, whom most notably wrote both of the Horrible Boss movies.  The film is set to star Ed Helms as Rusty Griswald.  Rusty decides to take his own family on the vacation from hell; much like the original movie. 
Chris Hemsworth, Leslie Mann, and Charlie Day are all set to co-star in the film; with an appearance by Chevy Chase and Beverly D'Angelo.  I loved the Vacation films growing up.  Just take my money now.

7) PAN (July 24)
I'm a big Peter Pan fan so when a prequel film was announced to come out I made sure to watch quite a few films directed by Joe Wright.  Just look at any film Keira Knightly has done in the past decade.  Chances are it was a Joe Wright film.
Hugh Jackman stars as Blackbeard the pirate and Garrett Hudlund as Captain Hook, but before he gets the hook.  Levi Miller is the boy chosen to play Peter; the soon-to-be legendary hero.  It's got the stars and the mythical legend, but why isn't Knightly playing Tinkerbell?  She already lent her voice to the pixie in a TV movie.

My enjoyment of the Jurassic Park franchise ended after the credits of the first film rolled.  Sure Jeff Goldblum and Julianne Moore were enough to get me to see the sequel, but by the third film they were just beating a dead horse; again.
Twenty-two years after the events of the first film John Hammond's vision is realized as people go to a theme park to see dinosaurs.  However, man has again played god by making their own dinosaurs.  Let's see how that goes for them.  Chris Pratt stars in this film, which looks like the new twist could give this franchise fresh legs to run.  Let's find out.

5)  007: SPECTRE (Nov. 6)
Daniel Craig returns as James Bond for the fourth time and is bringing a barrel of talent with him.  From Christoph Waltz to Ralph Fiennes this film looks like it could surpass Casino Royale as my favorite Bond film.  
James in the hunt for the sinister organization known as Spectre, which I'm hoping is the crime syndicate Craig was on the verge of uncovering in his first two films.  I was sad that Skyfall didn't continue that storyline, but make Christoph Waltz the main villain, and Dave Bautista his main henchman, and all will be forgiven.

We all know the last good Terminator film was all the way back in 1991.  However, I felt like Rise of the Machines had a few good moments, but their are no words as to what the hell Salvation was.  Alan Taylor, best know for directing Game of Thrones episodes and the Thor sequel, will try and re-ignite this long dead film franchise.
From the first trailer it appears that Kyle Reese goes back in time to save Sarah Connor; just like the first film.  Only Kyle does not find a helpless waitress.  Instead Sarah was raised by a Terminator and is all set to stop Judgement Day.  Arnold is back, along with Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney, and looks like they will be using the Star Trek/X-Men loophole of erasing the past to give the franchise a new future.

3) ENTOURAGE  (June 5)
While I wasn't to psyched about the way the HBO series ended I could not be more excited for this film.  Not much is known about the film's plot with the first teaser trailer recently released.  But it's the further adventures of E, Vince, Drama, Turtle, and Ari in Hollywood.  Sex and the City got two films made.  I don't see why Entourage can't either.

Earth's mightiest heroes are back at it as Joss Whedon once again directs this anchor in Marvel's Cinematic Universe.  In the sequel, Tony Stark tries to restart a peace keeping program that goes horribly wrong and results in the creation of Ultron; an artificial intelligence who thinks the only way to save the world is to eradicate the human lives inhabiting it.
All the familiar faces are back, along with a few new ones like Aaron-Taylor Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen as Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.  But this isn't the same Quicksilver from X-Men: Day of Future Past, nor are either of them mutants.  Fox has forbid them from having any relation to the X-Men.  Whatever, it'll still be awesome!

Forget the rest of this list.  If I could only see one film in 2015 this would be it.  J.J. Abrams is going to try and make us all forget about how bad the prequel films were and how awesome Star Wars really is.  Almost nothing is known about the plot of the film, except that it is set 30 years after the events in Return of the Jedi and Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher will all be back to reprise their iconic characters.
You could just show me the announcement trailer over and over again and I will still plan on seeing this film at least four times in the theater.  After a midnight viewing of The Avengers I swore off all future midnight shows.  It was full annoying teenagers who made the experience horrible.  However, I may have to break that rule for this event.  I just have to decide which lightsaber to bring.

Friday, November 28, 2014

'The Force Awakens' Excitement for Star Wars: Episode VII

If you thought that the biggest thing that happened today was Black Friday shopping then you can just go ahead and un-friend me on the various social networks because I will no longer be talking to you. To any Star Wars fan it was like Christmas came early as we waited patiently this morning for our post-Turkey Day present.  The teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was not only put online today, but is also being show in select theaters throughout the country this weekend.  The overwhelming reception of this trailer has been great with only a few gripes about the 88 seconds we all saw.  
However, there is still no official synopsis released as to the plot of the film.  With this footage speculation is only going to grow as December 2015 can't get here quick enough.  When the cast was first announced for Episode VII I made an entry has to who I thought each character type the actors will play.  The trailer has debunked a few of my theories and replaced them with a whole new batch.  And it only takes four screenshots for me to explain them.
Most dedicated fans have theorized that Attack the Block star, John Boyega, was going to be the main character in this new trilogy.  I now no longer believe this. In the opening shot of the teaser we see Boyega in a stormtrooper outfit.  He looks scared.  Perhaps he is running from something?  Perhaps he doesn't remember something?  Perhaps he realizes he is in the middle of the f$cking desert?  I think he's either an Alliance spy who has been caught, or a stormtrooper who is trying to defect, and he figures Tatooine is a good place to hide where nothing ever happens.  Guess again.
Enter Daisy Ridley.  This actress was a complete unknown before being put in one of the most anticipated films of the century.  In my casting theories I thought she could be the daughter of Han and Leia, but now, I no longer believe this.  I think Daisy Ridley is the center of this new trilogy.  It's a great change-up to make the main character a female.  
I'm thinking Ridley is a Tatooine native who runs into Boyega trying to hide, and maybe runs into Luke Skywalker as well.  Much like Luke found R2-D2, C-3PO, and then Ben Kenobi.  My other thought bubble is that she is Luke's apprentice.  There have been rumors that Luke never started the new Jedi Order, but instead went into hiding.  Much like Obi-Wan did. What if Ridley has natural Jedi skills and Luke is training her to become a Jedi?  Maybe even starts training Boyega as well.
 Oscar Isaac is starting to make a name for himself in Hollywood by being in films like Sucker Punch and Inside Llewyn Davis, and also he was just cast as the villain in the upcoming film; X-Men:Apocalypse.  Based on his previous work I saw Isaac as the new Han Solo type, with even more of an anti-hero vibe.  Maybe even a bounty hunter.  I no longer believe this.  It looks like he may be a part of Rogue Squadron.  I see him as the X-Wing hot shot who may be like Maverick from Top Gun.  He's the best of the best, but hard to work with.  
The thing I loved and hated about this teaser trailer is that even though we saw X-Wings, Tie Fighters, and the Millennium Falcon we didn't see Luke, Han, or Leia.  They showed us all the new characters/actors.  And I think they focused on these three because they are the main characters in this new trilogy.  
At the beginning of the teaser there was a voice over saying something had "awakened."  Which means something had been sleeping, probably for a long time.  I'm guessing that sleeping beauty is pictured above.  The Sith seem to be all dead after Episode VI.  But what about Sith followers/groupies?  Asajj Ventress was never officially a Sith, but wanted to be one.  Perhaps the wannabe's "awakend" something old, bad, and powerful to take down the Alliance.  Aren't people saying Lupita Nyong'O looks like she would play a good Ventress?  Hmmm.
Whoever this dude is, look at his/her lightsaber.  When the side blades come out it reminds me of a medieval broadsword.  It looks primative.  It's not stylish like the Jedi sabers from the prequel films.  It looks more like the drawings of lightsabers in the Dark Horse comics, Tales of the Jedi.  The various miniseries chronicled the rise and fall of the Sith Empire thousands of years before Luke or Anakin Skywalker were born.
 I was showing this trailer to people all day at work and they were all getting excited.  Even though the film is still over a year from be released it shows the power of The Force.  People want to believe in Star Wars because we've all got happy memories of the original trilogy. Director J.J. Abrams has already promised a call back to what we all love. This was the man who was able to take the nerdiest things ever, Star Trek, and make it cool.  I believe he is going to lead Star Wars out of it's dark days and bring us all a new hope.

P.S. If this movie sucks I'm asking for a lobotomy for Christmas next year.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

TV-Giving: My Thannksgiving Tradition

The holidays are upon us.  And as a guy who has worked retail for the past decade I can honestly say that it comes sooner and sooner every year.  While some stores plan to open Thanksgiving night I'm thankful that my employer has not succumb to that shameful gimmick.  Instead I get to enjoy my time doing two of my favorite things; pigging out and watching TV.
A few years back I started a tradition for myself the week of Thanksgiving, and on Thanksgiving day. I'd spend the nights leading up to turkey day watching Thanksgiving-themed episodes of my favorite shows, as well as watching some on Thanksgiving day that everyone enjoys.  

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 4, Episode 8 "Pangs"
With Buffy's mom out of town for Thanksgiving Buffy decides to make the meal for her and the Scoobies.  Unfortunately, the preparation does not go smoothly as Spike shows up looking for a place to hide, and Indian ghosts are on the prowl hunting people and causing curses.  Luckily Angel is in the shadows lurking, and able to lend a hand. 
This episode is hilarious!  Buffy wants nothing more than to have a nice, normal, Thanksgiving, but not in Sunnydale.  Willow feels that the Indians are justified in their revenge, Spike just wants to eat someone, and Xander comes down with syphilis.  It's a zany episode that is a lot of fun.

Smallville: Season 6, Episode 6 "Rage"
While the Kent's are preparing to have everyone over for Thanksgiving Oliver is busy stepping up his role as Green Arrow.  He begins taking a self-healing drug that alters his emotional state and makes him dangerous.  He injures Lois, yells at Clark, and is on a mission to kill Lex Luthor.
This episode, like most of the early Season 6 episodes, are good because of the Oliver/Clark scenes.  Oliver is the focus of the episode but it takes place during Thanksgiving so it counts.  I also enjoy the end of the episode when you see Thanksgiving at the Kent farm vs the Luthor mansion.  That alone should have made Lana realize Lex was the wrong man for her.

The O.C.: Season 1, Episode 11 "The Homecoming"
It's Thanksgiving at the Cohen's and the guys have banded together to stop Kristen from going anywhere near the food preparations.  But Ryan gets a call from his inmate brother that sends him and Marissa back to his old neighborhood to do his brother a favor.  One that could get him killed.  Meanwhile, back at the Cohen's, Seth is juggling two girls who showed up to make-out with him, and his mother is dealing with her father who showed up just because his caterers didn't arrive.
I stopped watching this show after Season 2, but I still enjoy the first few seasons.  Seth Cohen is one of my favorite characters ever on TV and this episode highlights why.  It's hilarious to see Adam Brody in this episode, and I'm a bit disappointed he hasn't become a bigger star after The O.C. ended.  Maybe a guest appearance on Gotham could re-unite the "Cohen brothers."

How I Met Your Mother: Season 3, Episode 9 "Slapsgiving"
Last year, Barney lost the Slap-Bet to Marshall and he's been planning something special for Barney ever since.  He plans on giving Barney a big ol' slap in the middle of their Thanksgiving meal, leaving Barney petrified with fear.  Meanwhile, Ted and Robin end up dealing with their post-relationship status after accidentally sleeping together.  And all Lily wants to do is prepare a nice Thanksgiving meal for all these jerks.
After the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the dog show(not my favorite) it's time for comedic Thanksgiving episodes that everyone likes.  Usually, if there is time, we watch "Slapsgiving Part 2: Revenge of the Slap" but this one is just a must-see.  It's one of my favorite episodes of the series. You get probably the best performances out of everyone in this one episode.  Plus it ends with a musical number!

Friends: Any of the Thanksgiving Episodes
Let's be honest, the Thanksgiving-themed episode is the best of every Friends season. From "The One With the Football" to "The One Where Ross Got High" we just put in our Best of Friends DVD's and laugh until we fall asleep into our mid afternoon naps.  By the time we wake up, it's time for football!  

Monday, November 24, 2014

The First Part of 'Mockingjay' Leaves My Appetite "Hungry" For More

"You should read the books." This a phrase my wife has told me for the past few years any time we watch a film from The Hunger Games franchise.  I've always responded, "if I read the books it'll spoil the movie."  With that said, this weekend I went to see the third installment in The Hunger Game films; Mockingjay- Part 1.
It picks up right where Catching Fire left off.  Katniss is in District 13 after her home, District 12, was destroyed by President Snow and the Capital.  The rebellion has started and Katniss must become the battle call or it will fail.  But all Katniss wants to do is rescue Peeta.  However, Peeta is busy being used by the other team as propaganda against the rebels.  Katniss must decide if she can put her personal feelings aside and is ready become the Mockingjay the world needs her to be.
The title in the film has a "Part 1" to it and it shows. It just seems incomplete.  Much like the seventh Harry Potter film, and almost every Hobbit movie, you get the feeling that the meat of the story is yet to be told.  As part of a continuation of the two previous films I think it works quite well.  But as a stand-alone film it is very different, and less kid-friendly, from it's predecessors.  
Jennifer Lawrence has really grown into this role as she keeps getting better at it.  In fact, all of the actors in the franchise seem to be getting better.  The best delight was Elizabeth Banks as Effie.  The character is completely out of her element, so watching her use her high class charms in a military estate is quit interesting.  The first half of the movie I also felt like Gale was just going to do nothing but stand beside Katniss and not say a word.  But towards the end he found his niche as part of the team trusted to bring back Peeta.
Speaking which, the weakest part of the film, and of the whole franchise in my opinion, has been Peeta.  I'm not blaming Josh Hutcherson for his acting abilities.  I think the character was always just a waste.  I don't see what Katniss sees in this useless person, and her affection for him makes me dislike her every time she shows concern.  For gods sake woman, mini-Thor is standing right beside you!  Meanwhile, the additions of Julianne Moore and Natalie Dormer more than make up for anything lacking in other performances; which their really aren't any.
I applaud the director, Francis Lawrence, for gracefully continuing the progression of Katniss and this tale.  I've been so satisfied knowing nothing about the novels.  Lawrence has created a world where, at several points in the movie, I was on the edge of my seat wondering if certain characters were about to meet their doom.  
Mockingjay- Part 2 will come out next year and then The Hunger Games will be complete.  However, like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, I'm sure Hollywood will find some way to do a spin-off or prequel to get as much water from this well until it has long dried up.  I'm anxious for the final film to come out so that we all can look at the saga as a whole.  While this piece of the puzzle is a bit lacking, I do believe it will serve the purpose in the grander scheme of things and fit perfectly.
Rating: B-

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Casting Call: My Captain Marvel Mistresses

Last month Marvel Studios released the schedule for their Phase 3 movies.  Among them were stand-alone Black Panther and Captain Marvel films.  The king of Wakanda has already been cast, which means all the current gossip is about who will play the former Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers.
Danvers was a N.A.S.A. security officer who had worked in the Air Force and C.I.A. The original Captain Marvel, or Mar-Vell as he is known on the Kree home world, saved Carol from an explosion, and in doing so transferred his powers into her.  Danvers was granted the abilities of flight, strength, and invulnerability to just name a few.  For quite a while Carol went under the alias Ms. Marvel until finally taking the mantle of Captain Marvel just a few years ago.  If DC and Marvel characters ever threw down she'd be my vote to face-off against Wonder Woman.
In the last month it seems like every fan boy has tried to make a case for their favorite actress to be Captain Marvel.  Five years ago I would have agreed with Charlize Theron, I've seen Natalie Dormer from Game of Thrones thrown into the mix, and I've even heard some would like Jennifer Lawrence cast in the part.  But the last few years I've had one female actress in mind to play Carol Danvers, and here are a few others I think would play the part marvel-ously, hehe. 

5) Blake Lively
Best known for her role in the teen soap Gossip Girl, Lively has been in several films like The Town, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and Green Lantern.  It's her experience as Carol Ferris that makes me think Lively would make a good Carol Danvers.  In Green Lantern she plays tough and sweet at the same time.  Plus, this would be another way for all of use to forget Green Lantern ever happened.  I know Blake's husband, Ryan Reynolds, wishes the same.

4) Rosemund Pike
I first saw Miss Pike in the 007 film, Die Another Day, which is one of the worst Bond films I've seen.  But I thought she was the best part of the film; or at least the hottest.  A few months ago I saw her in Gone Girl and I, like most of the viewing audience, were blown away by her performance.  Pike is almost guaranteed an Oscar nomination for her role, and her pick of any part she wants for the next five years.  Marvel Studios is known for bringing in the best actors to fill their roles, which is why they don't make just good comic book movies, but good movies period.

3) Anna Torv
I always had mixed feelings about the TV series Fringe.  I didn't like it at first, but then I did, and then later I gave up on it.  However, one of the reasons I kept watching was Anna Torv as Agent Olivia Dunham.  She was the series lead and carried the show through five season like a pro.  Dunham was a tough FBI agent who could handle herself in any situation.  Sounds like a super hero to me. 

2) Emily Blunt
This actress never popped into my head as Captain Marvel until I saw her on someone else's list.  Having just seen Edge of Tomorrow, Live Die Repeat, or whatever the film is now called, I thought she would do a good job as well.  Given that she is a much sought-after actress I'm not sure she'd be able to make the multi-picture deal Marvel Studios would make her sign, but I for one would be excited to see her play Carol Danvers.

1) Yvonne Strahovski
I didn't become a regular Chuck viewer until early in it's third season, but ever since Yvonne Strahovski has been on my Top 5 actress list and #1 on my list of actresses to play Ms. Marvel.  I've even pondered watching the last few season of Dexter just to see her in something a little more mature than Chuck.  She beautiful, intelligent, and can kick some ass if it comes to it.  Somebody get Kevin Feige the complete series of Chuck as a Christmas gift, or a Netflix account at least. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Teller and Simmons Bang Out 'Whiplash'

Everyone has a dream right?  However, the trouble with most of our dreams is that we aren't willing to sacrifice our regular lives to be great.  In Whiplash, Miles Teller plays Andrew, a young man attending a prestigious music school in New York.  Andrew plays the drums in the competition band where he is constantly challenged by his teacher.  Thatcher, played by J.K. Simmons, has a knack for degrading his students to the point of cruelty.  Andrew's only wish is to be one of the best ever, but to do that he must push himself like never before and hope it's enough.  
This film may be about a student at odds with his teacher, but it is the classic heroes journey. Teller's character doesn't take a ring across Middle Earth or save the galaxy from Darth Vader, but Andrew grows throughout the film and learns several life lessons before it's done.  He is a loner who alienates those around him;  from his girlfriend to his father.  He doesn't want anyone getting in the way of his greatness.
 This is by far Teller's best performance I've ever seen.  He's always been good with the quick and witty dialogue, but it's his emotional range here that helps push the story through.  When Andrew hits his lowest point in the film I had to bow my head and look away because I didn't want to see him fail.
Meanwhile, Simmons gives an equally stunning performance as the Andrew's nemesis.  Simmons plays the part so well that I just couldn't hate him.  I could never quite tell if he was a genuine nice guy who threw fits of rage, or a just a genuine jackass; even in the end.  I see a supporting role nomination of some kind for Simmons with this film.  At least I hope.
 Of course, there would be no movie without the music.  This film is loaded with classic jazz music.  Damien Chazelle, who directed and wrote the film, shows Andrew's love and drive to be a better drummer by surrounding the character with posters, Cd's, and everything you can think of related to his life-long passion.
Whiplash boils down to the performances of Teller and Simmons, who both light up the screen.  Even an appearance by Paul Reiser as Andrew's dad was barely a blimp next to the other two actors.  The dynamic between them is so interesting.  Andrew hates Thatcher but wants his approval. Thatcher hates Andrew but wants him to be great, thereby validating himself.  I could examine it all day.
 I really don't have anything to criticize this film about except for one scene.  Andrew and his dad are having dinner with a family and Andrew is ridiculing the two brothers about their mediocre accomplishments.  While it's of my favorite scenes in the movie I have no idea who this family is.  Are they relatives, friends, or acquaintances?  I feel like there is a deleted scene somewhere that tells me.
Overall, I could not have enjoyed this film more.  I think it speaks to everyone on some level about what we are willing to do to achieve our dreams, and how to overcome the obstacles that stand in out way.  I'm crossing my fingers Whiplash gets some Oscar recognition.  I'm already trying to memorize that major burn Thatcher lays down in the film.  Now I can't wait to see Teller play Mr. Fantastic next year!
Rating:  A

Monday, November 10, 2014

Big Hero 6, Big Fun

When we are young we are told we can be anything.  Well, being a comic book reader, all I ever wanted to be was a superhero.  But, I'm not an alien who gets juiced up by the sun, a billionaire with a drive for justice, and I was never struck by lightening and developed super speed.  The only was we could ever develop super powers in real life is if we are smart enough to make ourselves super.  With that in mind, I present, Hiro Hamada.
Hiro is young teen who just so happens to be a genius.  He graduated high school before he hit puberty and spends his days betting on robot fights, which he obviously wins.  But his big brother Tadashi has another idea.  He introduces him to his friends at 'nerd school' where young minds are creating tech for the future.  Sadly, Tadashi is suddenly taken from Hiro's life and only leaves behind his health bot; Baymax.  To find out who is responsible for his brother's fate Hiro must turn Baymax and his friends into super powered heroes and save their city; San Fransokyo.  When you walk out of the theater you're going to want your own Baymax, trust me.  
This film is nothing but Disney at it's best.  There are only a few notable voice actors, but it doesn't matter because the film is on a level all other movies should aspire too.  It centers around Hiro, who has to deal with the loss of his brother, who he adored and looked up too.  You can literally see Hiro going through the five stages of grief as he builds weapons to fight a super villain. The other center point of the film is the relationship between Hiro and Baymax.  Baymax is like the loyal dog who you learn to love throughout the film, but you know it can't be all roses and candy by the end of the movie. Old Yeller taught me that lesson a long time ago. 
There are some really sad moments in this film that I feel might be a bit dicey for really young kids.  However,  I think almost every great Disney film has some great loss in it.  Meanwhile, the animation and action are phenomenal.  I'm almost tempted to go see it in 3-D just to get the full experience of Baymax taking flight for the first time.  And I hate 3-D movies. 
Big Hero 6 is why I love going to movies.  Because in less than a two hour period I've felt everything from sadness, to laughter, to fear; all while being entertained and amazed.  The characters are all diverse and gel really well together. If I had to choose one super suit to steal I'd definitely want Go Go's skate armor.  
I only have a few gripes. And even these are small things.  I felt like the set-up was a little long. Like it took too long to get to the meat of the film.  The ending also seemed to wrap up too neatly.  Anything unsolved was resolved.  Maybe I've just become accustomed to sequel teases.  This is a film families should go see together, and then spend dinner, or the car ride home, discussing it.
This weekend I chose to see Big Hero 6 over Interstellar.  So far, I think I made the right call.  Ever since Pixar's John Lasseter took over as chief creative officer for Disney animation they have put out the high quality films that make me feel like I'm back in the early 1990's.  Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, and Big Hero 6 are all terrific films and I can't wait to see what comes next.  But I for one hope it's a sequel!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

What if 'Revenge of the Sith' Was the Only Star Wars Prequel?

Last week's announcement of the Episode VII title has got fan boys a buzzing.  We're all wondering how "The Force Awakens" reveals possible plot points to J. J. Abrams upcoming film.  So many people want this film to be great so it will restore the Star Wars good name after the prequel films.  I don't think Episodes I-III were a good follow up the greatest film trilogy EVER, but I do think they have some redeeming qualities to them.  
Not so long ago a heard about an different order to watch the Star Wars saga that did not include The Phantom Menace.  A person would watch Episode VI and then Episode V.  Then that person would watch Episodes II and III to see how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader.  Then the viewer would finish with Episode VI. People say it doesn't spoil the "I am your father" reveal, but doesn't watching Revenge of the Sith before Return of the Jedi destroy the "Leia's my sister" reveal?
It sounded like a good order, but the other day I thought; why do we need Episode II as well?  Even those who curse the prequel films will agree that Episode III is the best of the three.  And it's what we all wanted to see; Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader.  So what if the only prequel film we got was Revenge of the Sith?
Last night I went back and re-watched Episode III with fresh eyes.  I tried to forgot The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones existed to see if Revenge of the Sith was a film that could stand on it's own.  And in doing so the film actually seemed....better.  
It opens with the Ob-Wan and Anakin on one of their classic adventures.  They are off to save the Chancellor at the tail end of The Clone Wars. This highlights their skills and friendship.  We also see Anakin's relationship with Palpatine and Anakin battling his dark impulses.  Next, we learn Anakin is married secretly to a Senator and she is about to have their baby. As the film progresses we see appearances by Yoda, C-3PO, and Chewbacca.  Obi-Wan and Anakin battle to the death, thus resulting in the birth of Darth Vader and the rise of Emperor Palpatine.  Finally, Obi-Wan hands Luke off to Owen and Beru before going into hiding.  This is the gist of what everyone wanted to see in the prequels; right?
Now, you have to forgive some dialogue references such as "remember what you told me about your mother, and the sand people" as well as "Qui-Gon?"  And yes, some of the other dialogue in the film is best to be forgotten as well.  "She has lost the will to live"  is the worst line ever in a Star Wars movie.  But, the cheesy exchange between Anakin and Padme on her balcony lets us know these two new characters are deeply in love.  Also, no Episode I and II means no Jar Jar Binks, say a half-second shot.  And for that pleasant thought, you are welcome.
The performances of Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen shined as they started out friends at first and enemies in the end.  Yes, Christensen's performance I dare say was good when you look at just this one performance as everything we need to know about Anakin Skywalker.  The travesty in this viewing though is the same as when I first watched Episode III; Natalie Portman is nothing more than a supporting love interest.  However, we would not have had two films to see her be a strong character, so with just knowing Padme in one film isn't as insulting. We also didn't get Ian McDiarmid drawing out his Darth Sidious ruse to where, by the end of the trilogy, you're screaming at the screen, "Of course he's the Sith Lord you dumb ass!"
Blocking out the two other prequel films also made the fight sequences at the end much more enjoyable.  We see Yoda and Palpatine, two characters who were slow-moving in the original trilogy, really show off their powers as they go at it.  Meanwhile, the Obi-Wan vs Anakin fight sequence jumps off the screen.  They are so fast in their swashbuckling it would have been exciting to see it be the next lightsaber duel following Return of the Jedi.
Sure, after it was over I was curious how Obi-Wan and Anakin met, and how Anakin and Padme fell in love.  But after The Phantom Menace I was curious to know more about what the characters were like in their past, and some times not knowing is better.  Which is really what most say about the other prequel films anyway.
I think that if Revenge of the Sith was the only prequel film ever released Star Wars fans might not have felt as cheated.  I believe everything we wanted in a Star Wars prequel was in this one movie and we never needed the two before it.  So I challenge you to go back and watch Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith just as a single film and forget any other Star Wars prequels exist.  I think you'll like it better, from a certain point of view.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

'Birdman' Soars High on Performances

Michael Keaton is my Batman.  For today's generation when they think 'Batman' they probably think of Christian Bale.  For my father, Adam West might come to mind.  But I remember when I was young I saw Batman Returns in the theater.  Ever since then I've rooted for this actor to succeed.  I loved him in Multiplicity, The Paper, even when he played the president in First Daughter.  Well now, this Dark Knight is back; in a big way!
In the new film by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Keaton plays a former cinematic icon who has fallen from grace and is looking to rise up again.  Riggan Thomas, played by Keaton, is revising a classic Broadway show thinking it'll be his rebirth, and his last shot at fame and fortune.  But to get there he has to deal with his detoxing daughter, his pregnant girlfriend, an arrogant actor, and the voice inside of his head saying he's worthless.  
Keaton is in talks for a possible Oscar nomination for this role and I believe he may not be the only one.  Edward Norton and Emma Stone in their supporting roles bring a level that makes me think they might get some acting nominations as well.  The best performance for me though came from Zach Galifinakis, because for once he wasn't playing his type-casted Hangover character.  His role was serious, animated, and showed me that Galifinakis can be a good actor if he steps outside the comfort zone Hollywood has put him in.
Truth be told, this isn't my kind of movie.  It's a little too weird for my taste.  But, with that said, I can still appreciate what Inarritu has done, and the performances he has gotten out of his cast.  For instance, I see why the director chose to do a tracking shot for most of the film, but it kind of made me a little motion sick.  I had to close my eyes every once and a while just to regain my composure. 
As a film I can see this one making waves and being admired for what it is, but I'll admit it; my taste is more simple.  I liked the performances, the style, and the constant question as to whether Thomas is crazy or actually has some kind of super powers, but it wasn't enough to make me love the film.  Don't worry though.  Should Keaton get a nomination I'll be there cheering on my Batman.  However, I hear the Prince of Persia has a given a good performance this year too.