Monday, September 8, 2014

My Top 6 Lightsaber Duels

Last week came out with their Top 10 Fights from the Star Wars live-action films.  This list seemed a little peculiar to me.  Not only did I disagree with spots certain fights fell on their countdown, but how some of their fights weren't lightsaber fights.
I will openly admit, the minute an actual lightsaber becomes available to sell to the public I will max out every credit card I have for it.  For me, my love of Star Wars has always been rooted in the Jedi mythology and ideology.  Sure I enjoy the spaceships and bounty hunters, but the Jedi(and Sith) are what has made me a life-long fan.  
So because of my quarrels with's list I decided to make my own.  These choice are mainly based on emotional impact.  I think a fight, or any scene, is so much better when their is a history behind it, or high stakes at risk.  Since their are six films in the Star Wars saga I'm counting down My Top 6 Lightsaber Duels.

6) Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Vader (Episode IV: A New Hope)
It's the first ever lightsaber duel in history so it gets major points for that.  But when you look at the saga as a whole it's really quite epic.  20 years after Obi-Wan left his best friend for dead they meet again.  Their both off their game a little, but the scars from that day on Mustafar still seem fresh.  
In the end Obi-Wan gives up citing, "if you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."  To this day I still ponder Obi-Wan's reasoning behind his surrender and have come up with three answers. He A) knew his sacrifice was the only way for Luke to escape 
B) knew he could serve Luke better by joining The Force or 
C) feared he would fail Luke as he did Anakin and would rather him seek Yoda to complete his training.

5)Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn vs Darth Maul (Episode I: The Phantom Menace)
Before Episode I was released George Lucas said that this will be the first time we get to see an actual Jedi in action.  In the original trilogy we saw an old man, a half-trained Jedi, and a half-machine Jedi.  This fight did not let down.  The duel starts with a door opening and Darth Maul behind it ready for a skirmish.  And when Qui-Gon says, "we'll handle this." You know some real sh*t is about to go down.  
Darth Maul brings out the double-edged lightsaber that makes every uber nerd in the audience wet themselves a bit.  The fight is long and far as Obi-Wan eventually watches his master fall.  Then, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul engage in a sword fight so fast and unreal our eyes could barely keep up with our brains as to how cool(yet short) it was.  
The finale of this fight does two key things.  It turns Obi-Wan into an apprentice who agrees with the council on Anakin's training, to a Jedi Knight who will see his mentor's dying wish fulfilled.  And as most Star Wars fans know, it isn't the end of Darth Maul.  Instead it sets up a great rivalry between Kenobi and Maul that will continue in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and hopefully beyond.

  4)Master Yoda vs Darth Sidious (Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
While Obi-Wan has been sent to deal with his former padawan Yoda decides to take on the Phantom Menance himself; Darth Sidious.  The rest of the Jedi are being slaughtered throughout the galaxy so Master Yoda makes an effort to stop the bloodshed at its source. 
The two start out with their lightsabers and end up going through the rage of Force powers such as throwing giant objects, Force pushes, and Force lightning.  It's a step-up from the Yoda/Dooku fight in Episode II, with the stakes even greater.  Sadly, Yoda flees knowing that he may not have what it takes to take down the Dark Lord of the Sith, but perhaps someday, someone will.  

3) Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader (Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)
Let's rundown what Vader has done to Luke at this point in Episode V.  Luke thinks Darth Vader killed his father and his killed Obi-Wan, his mentor.  He has also captured his closest friends and tortured them, and plans to sell them to a bounty hunter.  And this is on top of killing millions, if not billions, of people throughout the galaxy.
Luke comes into this carbon freezing chamber looking for a fight, but only half ready.  He is outmatched, but still foolish enough to think he can win.  He is that consumed by hatred for this man.  Luckily, Luke is a little more spry then Obi-Wan in Episode IV so we get a decent fight.  But then, at the end of the battle, Vader drops the bomb.  "I am your father."  The idea blows up Luke's entire outlook on life.  The man he hates so much is his father.  Luke is so confused by this information he bails into a thousand foot drop that he may not survive knowing it's either that or get taken my Vader.  This is where everything gets Shakespearean. 
2) Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Vader (Episode III: Revenge of the Sith)
This is my favorite duel to watch because it's so fast and choreographed.  From a fantasy perspective these two Jedi are so powerful in The Force they can fight this fast and make it an even battle.  From a real-life perspective these two actors are actually swinging their swords that fast, which is awesome.
At this point in the film Obi-Wan finds his best friend choking his wife.  Anakin, who is now calling himself Darth Vader, has just killed children and Jedi, and plans to enslave the galaxy because Sidious has twisted his mind into thinking it's what's best for everyone.  Obi-Wan doesn't want to fight, he begs his best friend and brother-in-arms not to fight him.  But they do.  It's pretty awesome, and of course Vader's arrogance becomes his undoing as he tries to leap over Obi-Wan, but Obi-Wan cut him down.
Obi-Wan stands there, seeing what he has just done, what he had to do, to is closest friend.  The man is almost in tears.  "You were my brother Anakin.  I loved you." As Vader begins to burn Obi-Wan walks away.  I'm not sure if it's because he feels that the flames will finish him off or that Obi-Wan just can't bring himself to finish Vader off himself.  Either way, the two meet 20 years later on the Death Star to finish the duel.  When I watch the Star Wars saga from Episodes I-VI, by this point I feel so bad for Obi-Wan Kenobi and all the people he has lost over the course of three films.  When he then reappears in Episode IV you know everything the character has been through and it makes Alec Guiness's performance in the original Star Wars film that much better.

1)Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader (Episode VI: Return of the Jedi)
To me, these last two lightsaber duels on my list are what the entire Star Wars saga is all about.  The Obi-Wan/Vader fight was what the prequels all lead too, and this fight between Luke and Vader is what the original trilogy, if not the saga, is all about.
When Luke finds out the most evil man in the galaxy is his father he has a tough choice to make.  Does he join him or does he kill him?  Instead, Luke wishes to redeem him, a feat that nobody; not Obi-Wan, not Yoda, not the Emperor, and not even Vader himself; believes is possible.  It is only when Vader threatens his sister does Luke lash out, and takes off his father's hand.  He looks at his own hand and realizes if he takes one step more he will become Vader.  Luke then does something nobody saw coming.  He is willing to sacrifice himself to bring back Anakin Skywalker.  The Emperor is electrocuting him and he pleads to his father to save him.  And it works!  Vader sees his son dying before his very eyes.  In that moment Vader/Anakin reaches inside himself and finds the love he had for Padme and his unborn child and decides to stop Luke's suffering.  He kills the Emperor and sacrifices himself to save his son.  I don't care who you are, there is no greater storytelling than the events that unfold in that throne room while the rest of the galaxy battles outside the window. 

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