Sunday, October 5, 2014

This 'Gone Girl' is Waaaay Gone

My wife is an intelligent woman.  And I'm not trying to score any points here.  We've been married for five years now, so I score points the normal way like getting her flowers, surprising her with gifts, and letting her pick out whatever curtains she wants for the bedroom.  That last thing is mainly just because I could not care less about curtains.  Going back to my first sentence.  After just seeing Gone Girl I am now TERRIFIED of my wife!
In the latest film by director David Fincher, Ben Affleck stars as Nick, a man whose wife disappears.  He's not happy in his marriage, and throughout the film we learn Nick made quite a few mistakes in his time as a husband.  But soon all the evidence points to Nick being the prime suspect in his wife's alleged murder.  I think that's about as much as I can tell you about the plot without giving away any spoilers.  And I didn't give away 'The Red Wedding' so I'm definitely not gonna ruin this for anyone.
Fincher has assembled a cast of epic proportion.  I believe a director's #1 job is to get the best performance out of his actors, and boy did he get it.  Affleck is becoming more popular as a director himself, but proves he's still a good actor in this film. The way I felt about Nick must have changed four times in the span of two hours.  Tyler Perry and Neil Patrick Harris make cameos that aren't brief, but a little more forgettable than say Carrie Coon, who plays Affleck's sister.  She adds a wit to the film that can break the tension just by being real.  Let's be honest, we all have some insults about our in-laws loaded in the chamber.
  As great as Affleck is it's Rosemund Pike who steals the show.  I found her hot as a "Bond girl" all those years ago, but now I'm enchanted by her.  Granted, the possible Oscar nominated films have just started to roll out, but if she does not get a nomination I will be very surprised.  If I say anymore I'll have given too much away.  But after you see the film I'll tell you the four word sentence I kept repeating the whole drive home. And you'll agree with me.
This film has great story that was greatly executed.  From the beginning credits a tone was set that carried throughout.  I've been hearing how it's not a good date movie but somehow I feel it's terrific film to see with your spouse.  The tension breakers will make you look at each other and laugh.  It might even bring up a conversation you've been meaning to have.  Or, if you're a guy, you'll finally be inspired to open up that bar you've always talked about.

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